Well were we happy to find out from Kate this morning that the ERP
actually does still cover 0-6 usec. So the good news is that we can
cover the entire FMT range with the ERP and the FMT if we need to. We
have added the HIPT in tonight to understand how much data it will
add. It seems as if it isn't adding data now at all where the run got
about 15% bigger last time we did tests(not including PHRASE). Its
possible that the ERP has been changed because of LUTs(the muon rate
seems low on microvax #2 now) or that we are not reading out the HIPT
properly or that something strange happened last time we did our
tests. We will let you know what we find out.
Also tonight the LIP is added on SM2 and all 6 SMs worth of LIP have a
slightly less restrictive ST inputs(the full BARI trigger). Tomorrow
I will start working on the inter-LIP hookups.
As I write this the new run # is: 10382