WFD changes
Mon, 17 Jul 1995 20:14:01 +0200 (WET-DST)
WFD People -
As some of you know, there was a problem with EQUIP 32. Because it was
read out after the WFD (EQUIP 42), it would sometimes end up in the ID=2
I swapped the order (run numbers below) last night, but didn't realize
that the WFD_PATREG clear had been moved to EQUIP 32, so we had a night without
WFD data (yes, the run was quite long, and yes, people complained about that
This morning I fixed this up and reconfigured uVAX 2 CAMAC (to make
room for the attico TOHM). Everything is OK, but Chris may notice that the LIP
is not working because I forgot to move his fake reads (because the Jorway will
sometimes briefly flash the previous CAMAC command to the next slot, Chris has
installed a "fake" read to the crate controller which prevents any previous
clears (or other serious commands) from getting to his board). I think that
Chris is planning a technical note on this if anyone wants more details.
Run numbers:
10496: No WFD data due to EQUIP 32 WFD_PATREG clear.
10508: WFD back in (along with SM 1 PHRASE and LIP).
Beware that the SM3 and SM6 LIPs were moved and the clear
problem above may return. This will be fixed in the AM
as soon as the CAMAC lists are reloaded.
- Nat