equipment 32 (was Re: WFD changes)

Bob Nolty (nolty)
Mon, 17 Jul 1995 11:57:02 -0700

Hey Nat,

In the past, equipment 32 was considered to be an "end of event
processing" equipment for any event with a scintillator trigger. The
readout of the scintillator pattern unit was placed in equipment 32
for the overly cute reason that we knew we wanted to read it for every
event with a scintillator trigger, so why have two different
equipments that all scint triggers read out? In the past, we have
used equipment 32 for more purposes than reading out the scintillator
pattern unit. For example, in the second half of the six month run,
we used it to clear the Latching Scaler (precursor of the waveform
stop-children-what's-that-sound), a task which could not be performed
by any other single equipment. I think you should be reluctant to get
rid of the end-of-event equipment, even if we don't need any
end-of-event processing at the moment. We might think about moving
the SPU to a different equipment number, or reserving a different
equipment number for end-of-event processing if it becomes necessary
in the future.
