WFD Status

Tue, 18 Jul 1995 17:44:37 +0200 (WET-DST)

WFd People -

The WFD will be out tonight due to not-yet-understood EQUIP 42
errors... this is most likely related to the EQUIP 32/42 swap I discussed

Unfortunaltey, the swap ran stably the first night, then I made some
hardware changes in the CAMAC highway, then an as yet unobserved problem came
up on the EQUIP 32/42 swap: when EQUIP 42 clears uder the old scheme, the
WFD_PATREG does not get cleared! I installed EQUIP 43 which is a WFD clear
immeditely after EQUIP 42. The order is now EQUIP 32 (SPU readout and general
scintillator clear), EQUIP 42 (WFD readout), and then EQUIP 43 (WFD_PATREG

This all worked fine in mini-ACQ today but we discovered some bugs in
the main ACQ. This will most likely be straightened out tomorrow.

Run 10511 was the last to hae WFD data and I will pot a new note when
things come back together.

- nat