attico monopole

Fri, 6 Oct 1995 19:02:23 +0100 (WET)

Hi all,

As of October 5th, (RUN 11044) the new slow monopole electronics
for the attico are installed in SM1 and SM2 of MACRO (North face
is still off). There were 4 modules (of six-camac widths each) that
were installed as follows:
1) in B:2,C:3,N:8, serving SM1 TOP
2) in B:2,C:3,N:14, serving SM1 WEST/EAST
3) in B:2,C:4,N:8, serving SM2 TOP
4) in B:2,C:4,N:14, serving SM2 WEST/EAST

Chris Orth and Ed Kearns had brought up a month ago the issue of how the
new hardware should be read via CAMAC, meaning in which order the various
addresses should be read by the camac list. Sophia and I tried to follow
their suggestions as to what concerns the order of SM and face loops,
which actually is the "natural" order defined by the BU fanout ordering
scheme. The exact I*2 word configuration that is finally written in the
data stream is basically dictated by the fact that the new SMT hardware
has 18-bit long resisters which are read in 24-bit CAMAC reads.
I'm including the new section of the EQUIP 27 part of the camac list at the
end of this email message.

The installation of the attico monopole electronics involves the modification
of the 1500/1502 KINETICS power supplies in order to meet the +12V power
supply requirements for these modules. This has actually introduced some
delay and imposed a minimum wait time to make sure that the modications
were successful. The newly installed modules seem to be producing triggers
coming from all attico tanks, at rates compareable to the ones of the lower
detector. Sophia and I prepared a preliminary decoding of the attico monopole
tank triggers/activities that may be found on a run per run basis in

We are planning to install the rest of the attico monopole electronics by
next Wednesday and include their camac readout in the scheme followed in
uVax1. We guess there are two basic topics that should be addressed:
(a) if the current camac readout finds everybody in agreement (e.g. we don't
know if someone would like first to read all triggers (A=0) and then all
activitis (A=1)) and
(b) the waveform readout software. After installing all the hardware we'd
like to include their WFD readout ASAP.


############## CAMAC LIST SECTION from EQUIP 27 PART ##########################

Just a couple of remarks first:

(a) So, after the 12 words corresponding to lower uVAX info, words 13-28 are as
follows (I is the word number):
C IF (I.EQ.13 .OR. I.EQ.14) ie was ATTICO WEST/EAST Trigger hit in SM1
C- IF (I.EQ.15 .OR. I.EQ.16) ie was ATTICO WEST/EAST Activity hit in SM1
C IF (I.EQ.17 .OR. I.EQ.18) ie was TOP Trigger hit in SM1
C- IF (I.EQ.19 .OR. I.EQ.20) ie was TOP Activity hit in SM1
C IF (I.EQ.21 .OR. I.EQ.22) ie was ATTICO WEST/EAST Trigger hit in SM2
C- IF (I.EQ.23 .OR. I.EQ.24) ie was ATTICO WEST/EAST Activity hit in SM2
C IF (I.EQ.25 .OR. I.EQ.26) ie was TOP Trigger hit in SM2
C- IF (I.EQ.27 .OR. I.EQ.28) ie was TOP Activity hit in SM2

(b) Notice that the input cables to the attico monopole modules is as follows:
=>For the TOP modules, channels 1-17 have 1-1 correspondance with the top tanks
T01-T17. Channel 18 in not used.
=>For the WEST/EAST modules, channels 1-7 correspond to W08-W14; channels
11-17 correspond to E08-E14. Channels 8,9,10 and 18 are NOT used.
I know many of the above assignments may sound to you weird or arbitrary.
It's true that the SMT had never had any easthetically pleasant bit assignment
and the attico addition (plus the 17th tank!) makes the situation even
worse. If you can come up with ideas that might improve this situation
and they *can* be accomodated by the existing hardware, we'll be happy
to implement them.

(c) If someone could get paper for the label maker (this is a THOMAS&BETTS
EZ-CODER CAT. NO. WD-25P) here at Gran Sasso as soon as possible, will
be making us a great favor. Maurizio is in the process of contacting
the providers in USA/Italy, but it is still unknown when we'll see
something coming from them. The attico PMT signals are currently
plugged into the SMT hardware with *no* standard label (just a 1-100
number ...)

c -- read Sm1, WEST/EAST triggers (A=0) and activity (A=1)
FQIGNORE 2,3,14,0,0,1
FQIGNORE 2,3,14,1,0,1
c -- read Sm1, TOP triggers (A=0) and activity (A=1)
FQIGNORE 2,3,8,0,0,1
FQIGNORE 2,3,8,1,0,1
c -- read Sm2, WEST/EAST triggers (A=0) and activity (A=1)
FQIGNORE 2,4,14,0,0,1
FQIGNORE 2,4,14,1,0,1
c -- read Sm2, TOP triggers (A=0) and activity (A=1)
FQIGNORE 2,4,8,0,0,1
FQIGNORE 2,4,8,1,0,1
c No WFD readout will be performed (at the moment) for ATTICO CIT triggers
c WFD_PATREG 2,27,4
c Clear the 4 new SMT modules
T 2,3,8,0,9
T 2,3,14,0,9
T 2,4,8,0,9
T 2,4,14,0,9
