Re: Problem in CSPAM/HIP/FMT readout code

Charles Lane (lane@DUPHY4.Physics.Drexel.Edu)
Fri, 9 Feb 96 07:48:38 EST wrote:

> I guess the upshot of
> this is that you can never readout more then one CSPAM plane in one
> microvax as things stand now. Is that right? Could this explain some
> of the "missing buffers" you saw before?

It isn't an explanation of the "missing buffers"; that was some *other*
software problems, now solved. (The WFD readout wasn't using the cspam
bits to determine which WFD buffers were present, it was entirely a matter
of WFD self-consistency).

With the multiple-SECT SELREGs, the upshot is that if you have a FMT12
in coincidence with a FMT23 (for example), only the WFD channels
indicated by the FMT12 will be "tagged" for readout. Of course, the
ERP will often "tag" the missing channels (if any), so it's not clear
if there has been any significant loss of WFD data.

 Drexel University       \V                     --Chuck Lane
     (215) 895-1545      / \  Particle Physics  lane@duphy1.bitnet
FAX: (215) 895-5934        /~~~~~~~~~~~