after a long day in the tunnel every thing seems working !
Now the ST monopole trigger stop & readout the WFD's
and the SMT stop & readout the STAS.
1) The stop signal from CIT to the STAS was re-fixed.
This stop signal is delayed by 480 us.
Also equipments # 3,4,5,9,10 were added to the trigger 7.
2) What about the stop to the WFD from the streamer monopole
trigger ?
We decided to build up the trigger 9 with the high threshold
outputs of the streamer monopole triggers.
For each uVAX there is a stop signal for each SM which also
takes into account triggers coming from the nearest SM of the adjacent
uVAX. The OR of these two signals make the trigger 9.
In the trigger 9 there are the equipments:
equip 1
equip 11
equip 35 <-----
equip 40
The equipment 35 contains three words and the WFD commands to decode them.
word 1 pattern for the horizontal trigger
word 2 pattern for the lateral trigger (bottom MACRO)
word 3 pattern for the lateral trigger (attico)
These three words have to be decoded in the following way:
(Note the slight difference with the message I sent you some time ago.
There was a mistake in decoding the pattern for the horizontal trigger
on uVAX 1 and 3.)
1) ST horizontal trigger pattern:
- for uVAX 1
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 1st unit (modules 1 and 2)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 2nd unit (modules 2 and 3)
bit 13 OR bit 14 -----> 3rd unit (modules 3 and 4)
- for uVAX 2
bit 7 OR bit 8 -----> 1st unit (modules 4 and 5)
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 2nd unit (modules 5 and 6)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 3rd unit (modules 6 and 7)
bit 13 OR bit 14 -----> 4th unit (modules 7 and 8)
bit 15 OR bit 16 -----> 5th unit (modules 8 and 9)
- for uVAX 3
bit 9 OR bit 10 -----> 1st unit (modules 9 and 10)
bit 11 OR bit 12 -----> 2nd unit (modules 10 and 11)
bit 13 OR bit 13 -----> 3rd unit (modules 11 and 12)
2) ST bottom lateral trigger pattern:
bit 1 -----> West wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 2 -----> East wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 3 -----> West wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
bit 4 -----> East wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
bit 5 -----> End Cap
3) ST attico lateral trigger pattern:
bit 1 -----> West wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 2 -----> East wall of the 1st SM of that uVAX
bit 3 -----> West wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
bit 4 -----> East wall of the 2nd SM of that uVAX
In this configuration, the ST trigger from the end caps do not send
the stop signal to the WFD's (this can be easily done if we want to do it).
By the way, when a stop signal is sent by the streamer triggers also the end
cap boxes are read out if there was a trigger on that end cap.
Now you (we) are kindly requested to check in the data that everything
is going on as we foresee. Enjoy !
Ivan De Mitri Chris Orth