WFD buffer size change

Erik Katsavounidis (
Sat, 21 Dec 1996 17:07:09 +0100 (CET)

Hi all--

In response to Chris Walter's question on when exactly the WFD readout
buffer change took place, I looked at the camac list database kept on
VXMACB. From this it results that first MACRO RUN that had the WFD
readout buffer doubled from 20K to 40K was 12514 on July 17, 1996.

Given the opportunity, let me mention something that you may not be
aware of: since the beginning of 1996, Sandro Marini has set up an automated
method of logging the full camac list file that is loaded in each microvax
(1,2,3) in every RUN. As you know the complete camac list records were
practically absent from the MACRO RUN datafiles until then; this was due to
the size of the camac list files that was exceeding some buffer size limits
set within our acquisition/dream software. In order to by-pass this problem
and to make sure that we have the full information as far as camac lists is
concerned for each run, Sandro has set up this procedure that keeps track
of which camac list was used for each run. For those interested, the area
to check is VXMACB::SYS$SYSDEVICE:[CLDB]. In the [.FILES] subdirectory
you may find the archive file (RUNCLFILE.DAT) and all the different
camac lists that were used in running MACRO since Jan1996.

Happy holidays to everybody,
