SM2 WFD Stopmaster fixed
Wed, 19 May 1999 17:25:31 +0200

Ciao a tutti,

Since run 17601 (13-MAY-1999) and until run 17628 (19-MAY-1999),
SM2 WFD Stopmaster gave a number of No-Q-Responses that remained
quite low at first (once per run during run # 17601 - 17616),
then increased (~5 times per run during run # 17617 -17624)
until it accompanied ~ half of uVAX#1 events (runs 17625-17628).
Today, we found that the S1 (SM1 WFD Stopmaster signal) cable
was not properly plugged in SM2 WFD Stopmaster; we tightened it a bit
better. Running a mini-ACQ, it seemed to be OK (No-Qs disappeared).
Apparently, all SM1-only events on uVAX#1 created these No-Qs.
Keep an eye on this problem - if it comes back, we may need to redo
the corresponding cable connector.
The first good run after the fix should be 17630, 19-MAY-1999.

