It will be a good idea to check this "spare" carefully in the running. I
remember problems in the past with Stop Masters, including East/West face
crosstalk in the TOHM Timing cicuits, a stuck Center face bit in the TOHM
hit pattern, and a stuck (always 0) SM+ time. I would be most concerned
that the SM+/SM- times are functioning, a little less concerned about
timing crosstalk, and I couldn't care less about the bit patterns since
they aren't used for analysis or for the online readout (though they do
have some debugging value in that they give redundant information).
I'll try to have a look at the next couple of runs. Erik at some time or
another had full Stop Master decoding in text files somewhere, but it
could be that the c++ software is the only package that really does full
Good job tracking this one down! I know what a pain debugging those Stop
Masters can be. I'm suprised that the problem didn't fix itself from the
mere act of looking at them, as usually happens.
On Tue, 8 Jun 1999 wrote:
> Ciao a tutti,
> during last weeks we had a problem with SM2 WFD stop-master (STPM) that
> gave a lot of no Q responses. It was due to the stop signal from
> SM1 to SM2 STPM module (bit 7). After several ineffective attempts
> (module and cables replacing on SM2), today, according to Nat Longley,
> we have fixed the problem using a new (spare) STPM module on SM1.
> Everything shoud be fine starting from run 17740.
> A presto,
> Nicola