ERP S/H for 1W01/02/03/04 repaired

Subject: ERP S/H for 1W01/02/03/04 repaired
Date: Wed Oct 13 1999 - 11:04:17 EDT

   Ciao a tutti,

   Starting sometime during run 18398, 10-OCT-1999 and until run 18417,
13-OCT-1999, 1W01/02/03/04 resulted dead for ERP due to a broken S/H
module. Today, this module was fixed (a broken plastic 1uF cap on the
+12V line had blown the corresponding fuse; both fuse and cap have been
replaced.) Calibrations on uVAX#1 seemed to be fine for these channels.
The first good run for these channels in 18420, 13-OCT-1999.

A presto,

Ioannis & Massimo

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