SM1 Stop Master

Subject: SM1 Stop Master
Date: Fri Nov 05 1999 - 04:26:48 EST

      Ciao a tutti,

     5 months ago (8-Jun-99), starting from run 17740, we replaced the
     STPM module on SM1 (that gave a lot of no Q responses) with the
     spare one. This last one had two old problems (as, at that time,
     Chris Orth remembered to us):

      a stuck (always zero) Center face bit in CIT trigger pattern
      and "fake" latches on CIT West face.

     Last week end (when he was on shift) Yiannis noticed that the fake
     hits + bitfound for West CIT were equal to the timeword found for
     Center face. So he suspected an error on wiring inside the module!!

     Yesterday, "special" maintenance day, Massimo and I checked
     this STPM and we found the CAMAC read line for the Center face (R2)
     DISCONNECTED from the ACTEL chip # 2. This line should be connected
     to pin 42 of the ACTEL. Instead pin 42 was connected to the CAMAC
     read line FOR THE WEST face (that should be connected to pin 40;this
     pin was not used)!!
     Yiannis was right (I had no doubts)!!

     We restored everything and the module is working properly now!

     In addition, I tested this module with different triggers and
     computer busy signals combinations and, once more, I didn't
     find any strangeness.

     A presto,


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