boxes check

Subject: boxes check
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 10:43:33 EST

     Ciao a tutti,

     I checked the oil level for 5T05 and 5T06 that, as you know,
     have a bad L/R ratio both for ERP and PHRASE. The level is:

         5T05-0 ~ 21.4 cm
         5T05-1 ~ 19.5 cm

         5T06-0 ~ 22.0 cm
         5T06-1 ~ 19.7 cm

     Also, I checked the gains for all the boxes that have the worste
     L/R ratio in according to ERP results. This is the list:
  BOX ERP L/R Comments PMTlog notes

  1W04 2.696 O.K.
  1W05 0.588 both side bright check for light leak
  1E06 1.807 O.K.
  1E07 2.105 side-0 -> bright bright
  1N01 2.143 O.K.
  1N03 0.523 O.K.
  1N04 0.538 O.K.
  1N05 3.017 O.K.
  1N06 0.390 side-1 -> bad signal bright
  1N07 1.906 O.K.
  1W12 1.802 O.K.
  2C08 0.589 to be checked separat.
  2W01 1.977 O.K.
  2T14 1.882 O.K. already checked for d.g.
  2E11 1.829 O.K.
  3W01 0.459 O.K.
  3E02 0.495 O.K.
  3E07 0.386 side-1 -> bad PMT need a tank end operation
  3T08 0.520 side-1 => bad signal need a tank end operation
  3W10 0.555 O.K.
  4B06 1.911 O.K.
  4W02 0.552 O.K.
  4E05 2.019 side-1 overgain(4.6mV) side-1 overgain(4.3mV)
  4E14 0.588 O.K.
  5E04 0.437 O.K.
  5T05 0.370 checked a lot of times;see previous comment
  5T06 3.239 checked a lot of times;see previous comment
  5W13 0.559 O.K.
  5W14 0.362 O.K.
  6W02 1.875 side-1 undergain(3.5mV)
  6E03 0.414 side-1 overgain(4.8mV) side-1 overgain
  6E04 1.794 side-1 overgain(4.6mV) side-1 overgain
  6T11 1.775 side-0 bright side-0 bright

     In addition, I checked the LeCroy HV channel for 6E02-1 that has
     a very low gain, but I didn't find any misbehaviour...So we
     should include this counter in the list of tank that need to
     be opened (I think it has a base problem).

A presto,


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