About uVAX3

Subject: About uVAX3
Date: Thu Jan 27 2000 - 06:57:18 EST

    Hi all,

  Starting from run 18991 (Tonigth 27-JAN-2000 ~03:00) uVAX3 gave us some
problems determining short runs until RUN 19000.

The NIM POWER SUPPLAY on SM6 (6-3-2) was broken
(AC component on -6V: 180 mV 50 Hz). This caused problems for LAMOSSKA
and lots of NO Qs from Inter ERP tdc on uVAX3.

Run 19000 started with LAMOSSKA trigger unplugged from GOLDEN MODULE, but
there were lots of NO Qs from uVAX3 iERP.

So we decided to exclude uVAX3 from acquisition and we stopped run 19000
and started 19001 without uVAX3.

We replaced the NIM power supply from SM6 (6-3-2) and all the problems
disappeared....in the same crate is formed the **COMPUTER BUSY** signal
that is used in the iERP **CLEAR** signal management for uVAX3.

Run 19002 started with full MACRO in acquisition.

Notice :
Main FAN UNIT on SM 6 Rack 7 (where are WFDs and LECROY) is very noicy!!

                                                    Piero Monacelli,
                                                    Nicola Zaccheo,
                                                    Massimo Orsini,
                                                    Roberto Giuliani.

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