PMT checked on uVAX#2

Subject: PMT checked on uVAX#2
Date: Wed Feb 02 2000 - 10:31:18 EST

   Ciao a tutti,

   Today we had a chance to check the following PMTs for possible gain
or HV splitter problems:
- 3B04-0 (30% less than -1) : no gain problem
- 3C16-0 (20% less than -1) : found 3C16-01 at 3.5mV/spe. Also saw 3C16-1
  being quite bright, consistent with the PMT logbook
- 3T09-1 (40% less than -0) : no gain problem
- 4B05-0 (50% less than -1) : found 4B05-01 at 2mV/spe. This same tube
  was set to 4mV/spe at -1700V back in Nov. '99, resulting into a 1.2Mohm
  resistor for the -00 side (-1520V). Need to open this tankend and change
  HV base.
The following tubes were also found to have big asymmetries but they have
been checked in the past:
3B11-0 (50%), 3B16-1 (40%), 3C12-1 (40%), 4B06-0 (50%), 4C08-0(30%).

A presto,


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