International Supernova Watch ping problem

Subject: International Supernova Watch ping problem
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 05:14:27 EST

Hi all --

I believe the problem with our International Supernova Watch pings may
finally be solved. I'm not entirely sure of the course of events, but
I believe it was something like this:

Around ten days ago, the VMS disk disk$scrausa5 (which is normally
available by NFS on the unix cluster) became inaccessible from unix.
About seven days ago, we complained to the responsibles. I believe at
that time they decided that unknown problems were preventing the NFS
host (which was perhaps AXPGS5) from exporting it properly. On
Thursday, the VMS manager changed to have AXPGS0 export it and asked
me to check it. But avalon was down on Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
and I took Monday off. So last night I finally logged on to avalon
and found the disk still not available.

Today I asked Alberto about it, and he said ask Nazzareno. I asked
Nazzareno about it and he said ask Alberto. I finally got them
together in the same room, and my impression was that Nazzareno had
never told Alberto about the new NFS host. Within one minute of them
talking together, the disk was properly mounted from avalon.

I don't know if anything else needs to be done to get the monitor
working correctly again.

Sorry I was such an ineffective advocate; this should have been
cleared up much quicker.

For my shift report, can someone tell me, is it true that during this
period our MACRO ERP and PHRASE supernova watchers were fine, but we
were not participating in the International Supernova Watch?


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