Re: International Supernova Watch ping problem

Subject: Re: International Supernova Watch ping problem
From: Kate Scholberg (
Date: Tue Feb 15 2000 - 09:04:52 EST

> I believe the problem with our International Supernova Watch pings may
> finally be solved. I'm not entirely sure of the course of events, but
> I believe it was something like this:
> Around ten days ago, the VMS disk disk$scrausa5 (which is normally
> available by NFS on the unix cluster) became inaccessible from unix.
> About seven days ago, we complained to the responsibles. I believe at
> that time they decided that unknown problems were preventing the NFS
> host (which was perhaps AXPGS5) from exporting it properly. On
> Thursday, the VMS manager changed to have AXPGS0 export it and asked
> me to check it. But avalon was down on Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
> and I took Monday off. So last night I finally logged on to avalon
> and found the disk still not available.
> Today I asked Alberto about it, and he said ask Nazzareno. I asked
> Nazzareno about it and he said ask Alberto. I finally got them
> together in the same room, and my impression was that Nazzareno had
> never told Alberto about the new NFS host. Within one minute of them
> talking together, the disk was properly mounted from avalon.
> I don't know if anything else needs to be done to get the monitor
> working correctly again.

Thanks for your effort... I should also have been sending more pestery
emails to Alberto and Nazzareno.

Still seems down though? I still can't access the disk from avalon.

> For my shift report, can someone tell me, is it true that during this
> period our MACRO ERP and PHRASE supernova watchers were fine, but we
> were not participating in the International Supernova Watch?

Yes, that's right. The ERP monitor was (is) working fine throughout (and I
assume Phrase was too); it's just that the metamonitor on avalon is not
combining alarms and sending to the international machine.

Thanks again.


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