Recent discovery?

Subject: Recent discovery?
From: Jadczyk (
Date: Mon Apr 19 1999 - 13:19:56 EDT

I am trying to find some information on the recent discovery of the
remnants of a supernova that, according to the story I saw, occurred in
the Middle Ages and must have been seen, perhaps even in daytime, but no
written records of the event seem to have been found by the discoverers.

Now, I am searching for the news release of this item, and it seems that
even the written records of the report have disappeared.

Can anyone help me and point me to a page where this report is
archived? I have searched NASA and Sky and Telescope, and several other
astronomy sites to no avail. I am SURE I read this news item and my
husband confirms that I have not lost my mind. Yet, I cannot find it

Thanks for any help.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

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