follow up on RAW-->ZEBRA details

Erik Katsavounidis (
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 22:06:05 +0100 (CET)

Hi all--

Following Chris' e-mail on the WFD data and DREAM, let me mention that
sometime this evening we obtained a new hard disk and thus we can keep more
MACRO runs on disks. In addition to what Chris mentioned, look at
DISK$MACROSCRA2:[MACRODATA] for RAW format data and

We nominally can keep data on disk up to 2-3 days. Please let me know
if you want to keep any MACRO run on disk because you need to work with it.

For those of you who would like to look at the log file for the
production of the FZEX version of a MACRO run datafile look at
Any possible errors that occur during the RAW-->ZEBRA production
should show up there.

I made standard part of the end-of-run jobs to run my analysis twice,
once on the RAW file and once on the FZEX version. (For those interested,
I suggest people that have WFD analysis jobs to start exercising the new
WFD data structures. Analyses not checking for WFD data should be completely
transparent to this processing. From what I see so far (by comparing
the RAW vs. ZEBRA output of my jobs) there are few things that need
checking; the most important is understanding the few (3-4 , *not* PISA
per 6 hr RUN) events that seem to be getting lost during this process.
Stay tuned.
