Subject: NIM power supply
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 06:33:34 EST
Ciao a tutti,
I've checked the NIM power supply that we removed from SM5-LaMOSSKa.
I remind you that this crate was oscillating (easy to see from the
LEDs of a discriminator module that were flashing with no input) with
relatively small load (half crate).
The 2 electrolytic capacitors on the +-12V lines are broken.
These are 8,800uF 30VDC caps that are measuring 700uF and 2000uF now.
We have no spare of this kind:
CGR882U030R2L3PL - 677-8749
They are the ones with the screws on the top, cylindrical with
diameter ~35mm, length 65-70mm, distance between screw centers ~13mm,
screw diameter 4-5mm.
Since we need at least two (in order to fix this power supply),
I suggest ordering 4; it goes without saying that any value in the
range 8,800 - 12,000uF should be good enough.
Erik: do you think it is better to ask the next U.S. physicist
on shift to bring it (should be cheaper and faster to get in the U.S.)
With this opportunity, we might also order a couple 11,000uF, 16V, 105C
of the same type, just 20mm shorter (we have used one to fix another
NIM power supply, taking it from a broken PISA power supply...)
A presto,
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