RAREMAKER diagnosis for NRD009/NRD010

Subject: RAREMAKER diagnosis for NRD009/NRD010
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 08:29:55 EDT

Nicola Zaccheo, 26-JUN-2000

Summary of the NRD009 and NRD010 RAW to ZEBRA conversion (RAREMAKER)

Start of the operation:

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 22-JUN-2000 15:34:19.41
Subj: Mounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label N09_10

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 22-JUN-2000 15:34:34.11
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD009
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 22-JUN-2000 15:34:35.03
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN012476 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD009

The NRD009 processing crashed because of a wrong ALL_NRD009.list file: the
last runs there listed belonged at NRD010 (!).
The last NRD009 file (rare012601.dst) has been copied on the DLT-IV w/o

The NRD009 processing lasted ~10 hrs

I re-launched the job starting from the NRD010

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 11:14:25.33
Subj: Mounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label NRD010

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 11:14:31.43
Subj: Mounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD010
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 11:14:32.11
Subj: Processing first(#1) RUN012602 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD010
From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 21:05:08.17
Subj: Processed last (#119) RUN012708 of tape#1 in drive MKB200:/label NRD010

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 21:05:09.15
Subj: Dismounted source drive MKB200: not foreign - label NRD010

From: AXMAC1::ACQMACRO 23-JUN-2000 21:05:09.93
Subj: Dismounted target drive MKB100: foreign - label NRD010

The NRD010 processing lasted ~10 hrs

The full processing lasted (excluding the stopping time) ~20hrs.

No errors were reported.

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