DLT drives on camelot

Subject: DLT drives on camelot
From: Robert G. Nolty (nolty@its.caltech.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 22:32:38 EDT

Hi --

I am a MACRO collaborator, sometimes at Gran Sasso but most of the
time at Caltech. We are trying to make a DLT tape of data on /macro1
on the DUNIX cluster. I wrote a perl script which essentially just
issued several consecutive tar commands:

tar -cf /dev/TAPE3 file1 file2 file3
tar -cf /dev/TAPE3 file4 file5
tar -cf /dev/TAPE3 file6 file7 file8

I hoped the tape would contain 3 tar archives, and all 8 files.
However, the resulting tape had only one tar archive on it, containing
the files file6, file7, file8. I am guessing the problem is that
after each tar command, the tape was automatically rewound, so that
the next tar command overwrote the previous tar archive.

I know on IBM AIX unix, if one issues

tar -cf /dev/rmt0 file1 file2 file3

the tape will automatically rewind at the end of the tar command.
However, if one instead issues

tar -cf /dev/rmt0.1 file1 file2 file3

the write head will stay positioned at the end of the file it just
wrote, so subsequent commands append several files onto the tape. Is
there a way to do this in DUNIX?



P.S. The /macro1 filesystem is not currently visible from camelot or

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