Shift report 31-Jul-00/04-Aug-00

Subject: Shift report 31-Jul-00/04-Aug-00
Date: Fri Aug 25 2000 - 10:29:18 EDT

Data shift report (31-Jul-2000 to 04-Aug-2000)

  by Nicola Zaccheo
  From run 19780 to 19794
 No particular problems for the acquisition during this week (except Friday

 Durin run 19782 the HIPT channel 5TL1 was dead and had 1mHz only of HIPT
 trigger rate during run 19783.. This channel had a very low HIPT trigger
 rate starting from run 19779 (~1.7mHz).
 I debugged it during run 19784..I found a similar problem that afflicted
 the CSPAM 4EL-1 channel last week-end (an unscrewed connector). It is now
 working fine.

 The gas system has still problems, but went off with lower frequency.

 A couple of no Q responses per run from M:2,B:2,C:5,N:21.

 On Friday 4th of August at 2:45PM there was a black-out in the gallery lasted
 3hrs..Roberto and I were working at SM4 Laser (under the detector)....
 We shut-down MACRO and the computers (VXMACA/B) before to be evacuated because
 the emergency lights didn't work..When the power came back we decided to
 go in the tunnel and restart the apparatus...(I had to leave for my vacations
 at 5:00PM, so I decided to postponed my departure at the next day)..
 We left the underground laboratories at 9:30PM while MACRO was running w/o
 uVax1 (problems in a fast STAS chain on SM1) and w/o uVax5 (broken PHRASE


            TOHM --> 4T13 ~8mHz, 5B13 ~5mHz
           ERP --> 3B07 ~5.5mHz
           LIP --> 1B12 ~1mHz, 1B14 ~0.6mHz, 1B16 ~0.3mHz(!), 1C08 ~1mHz,
                      1C15 ~1.1mHz, 2E10 ~11mHz, 3E04 ~6.5mHz, 5T02 ~0.6mHz,
                      6E12 ~11mHz
           ERP-GC --> 6W12 ~90mHz, 6S04 ~90mHz, 6S07 ~90mHz.
           PHRASE --> 5B04 ~28mHz, 5W11 ~25mHz


       No problems reported


      There are still not justified LAMOSSKA triggers for LAM50. Sometimes
      also for LAM60.

    CSPAM/ERP efficiency:

      The boxes with systematic inefficiency: 3B07 (~48%), 3E07(~78%),
      4E01 (~77%) and 6T07(~78%).

    ERP/LIP efficiency:

      Low efficiency for 1B12, 1B14, 1B16, 1C08, 1C15, 1T10, 1T12, 1T14
      1T16, 2B07, 5T02, 6B07, 6B09, 6B10, 6B11, 6B12, 6C09, 6C10 and 6T09.

    SPU: still hits on ERPI, ERPII, SPARE, LAS and LED on uVax1 (sometime 1/2
         VETO bits too).


      No problems reported.
      Checked the PMTs signals on SM6 - no new problems found.


      1 weeks (muon data only) analysed for ERP constants, ref. run 19772
      It covers the period till Wednesday, 02-Aug-2000
      Problems with the AXCMAC1 copy "DENTRO-FUORI" stopped because the
      DOLIST job was not running on VXMACA. I restarted everything and
      I also manually copied on AXMAC1 all missing LGB files.

      The MACRO inventory is completed (included the major commercial
      laboratory devices). You can find a new link in the hardware info.
      area on the MACRO On-Line web page.

      I selected the following PMTs to ship to the Saclay institutions:

                   serial nr. tested by: comment
                     8624 17NOV00 MO He-inside
                     8968 12NOV00 MO He-inside
                     8567 JAN97 SS He-inside

      They have already been transported to the 'magazzino' that should
      take care of their shipping.


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