SM1 WFD & stop masters

Ashutosh Sanzgiri (
Thu, 1 Feb 1996 12:24:27 +0100 (WET)


Yesterday, Paolo and I replaced the VMDIS/VBR combo used in the WFD crate
on SM 1 with a VIC 8250. Everything seems to be working ok, no VME errors
have been seen.

Erik & I looked at the problems on the WFD stop masters reported by Chris
Orth (mail quoted below):

This is a followup on the problems I have notified most of you
about some of the stop masters. In the interest of data quality, could
someone please check the following cables?

1. The cable running from the "SM+1" INput on the SM1 Stop
Master to the "SM-1" OUTput on the SM2 Stop Master. Note that I am
referring to the TOHM-timing signals, and not the "InterStop" cables
that run from the second outputs to the spare inputs between SMs on the
same microvax.

2. The cable running from the "SM+1" INput on the SM2 Stop
Master to the "SM-1" OUTput on the SM3 Stop Master.

3. The cable running from the "SM+1" INput on the SM4 Stop
Master to the "SM-1" OUTput on the SM5 Stop Master.

This is also an official note to the wrong Czar that the above
signals are not being recorded in the Stop Masters, and we therefore
cannot detect the following classes of slow monopoles:

1: Those that traverse from SM2 to SM1
2: Those that traverse from SM3 to SM2
3: Those that traverse from SM5 to SM4

While we would still see the slow monopole-like signals in the WFD
we would not be able to make TOF checks between the SMs.

I am hoping that the problem is in the cables which were hand
made last summer. If not, then the problem is on either of the Stop
Master quoted in each pair above

-Chris Orth

All the cables concerned were checked last week and found to be ok. On the
SM2 stop master, the top output (going into the SM-1 input of the SM3 stop
master) is broken and the lower output (going into the SM+1 input of the
SM1 stop master) is ok. It is possible that the two outputs on the SM2 stop
master were swapped while Maurizio and I tested the cables last week: so
Chris should find the first problem to have migrated (SM2 -> SM3 instead of
SM2 -> SM1).

The SM+1 inputs on the SM2 & SM4 stop masters are broken. In both cases
we see TTL signals coming in from the outputs of the adjacent SMs. We have
looked at both outputs on the stop masters on SMs 3 & 5; they are ok.

- Ash