INT Neutrino Workshop

Subject: INT Neutrino Workshop
From: Tony Mezzacappa (
Date: Wed Sep 06 2000 - 13:05:40 EDT

Dear Colleague,

In anticipation of the Town Meetings on the Long Range Plan for
Nuclear Physics, a Neutrino Workshop will be held in Seattle from
September 21st-23rd, 2000. A Web site

has been set up to provide information about the program and housing
arrangements, and to allow interested parties to register.

Objective: Draft a National Plan for neutrino research within the purview
           of nuclear physics.

Identify opportunities for nuclear physics in:

        - solar neutrinos,
        - supernovae and neutrino astrophysics,
        - neutrino mass,
        - reactor and accelerator neutrinos,
        - underground laboratories in North America,
                - atmospheric neutrinos,
                - high-energy neutrinos.

* *
* As a co-Convenor of the Session on Supernova Neutrinos, the Mechanism, *
* and Related Astrophysics, I invite you to attend. *
* *

A session program is given below. Not all speakers are confirmed. The
presentations must be brief. They will serve to structure and focus the
roundtable discussions, where *all* workshop participants will provide

This is an extremely important time for neutrino physics and astrophysics
in the United States, for many reasons, many of which you already know, and
a unique opportunity to bolster their status at the DoE. We very much hope
you will accept our invitation. If you decide to come, we urge you to make
your travel plans now. We apologize for the short notice.

On behalf of the co-Convenors, George Fuller, Ken Lande, and myself, we
look forward to seeing you in Seattle!


First Roundtable Session: September 21st

The Supernova Mechanism and TeraScale Simulation
        - Frontiers in Massive Star Evolution: Arnett* (5 minutes)
        - Multi-D Neutrino Transport: Swesty* (5 minutes)
        - Multi-D MHD: Blondin* (5 minutes)
        - Multi-D GR/LIGO: Matzner* (5 minutes)
        - New Explosion Paradigms/Gamma Ray Bursts/Hypernovae: TBA (5 minutes)

Supernova Nuclear Weak Interaction Physics
        - TeraScale Nuclear Structure Computation: Dean* (5 minutes)
        - Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Sections: McLaughlin* (5 minutes)
        - High-Density Neutrino Opacities: Reddy* (5 minutes)

Primordial and Supernova/Neutron-Star-Merger Nucleosynthesis
        - Light-Element Abundances in Primordial Nucleosynthesis: Burles (5 minutes)
        - Heavy-Element Nucleosynthesis: Meyer* (5 minutes)
        - r-Process Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution: Qian* (5 minutes)
        - Neutrino Mixing and Primordial Nucleosynthesis: Volkas (5 minutes)

(*) Confirmed

Roundtable Discussion (45 minutes)

Second Roundtable Session: September 22nd

Supernova Neutrino Detection (Theory):
        - Neutrino Signatures: Bruenn* (5 minutes)
        - New Possibilities and Needs: Beacom* (5 minutes)

Supernova Neutrino Detection
        - Cl/I: Wildenhain* (5 minutes)
        - KamLand: Vogel* (5 minutes)
        - Lead Perchlorate: Elliot* (5 minutes)
        - OMNIS: Boyd* (5 minutes)
        - SNO: Heise* (5 minutes)
        - Super-K: Vagins* (5 minutes)

(*) Confirmed

Rountable Discussion (65 minutes)

  ------------Please note the change in area code!-----------

Dr. Anthony Mezzacappa (865) 574-6113
Task Leader, Theoretical Astrophysics (865) 576-8746 (Fax)
Physics Division

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